Social Action Project: Micah Litowitz

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**Note, we changed our name in 2021 to be more reflective of our mission. Institute for Village Studies started in partnership with Western Washington University in 1999, and we look forward to carrying on this work as InPlace - Ecocultural Learning Institute.


The Social Action Plan is a defining factor of a study abroad experience with the Institute For Village Studies. It's an opportunity for a student to utilize what they learned about international development by creating a proposal and implementing a project that is reflective of the larger goals of the communities they visited.

Micah Litowitz is an IVS Alumni who traveled on the 2018 Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability in Thailand Program. For her Social Action Plan, she and her partner Isabel Barnwel ran a fundraiser for the Moklen village of Ban Taptawan in Southern Thailand.

How did you decide on fundraising for the Moklen community for your Social Action Plan?

We decided to fundraise for Ban Taptawan because they were heavily affected by the 2004 tsunami. Although most of their infrastructure has been rebuilt, the Moklen have been struggling with the fight for their land rights against the Thai government and local tourism ever since the tsunami. Both my partner and I were very moved by the stories of the Moklen people. 

How did your relationship with the Moklen Community influence the planning of your proposal?

My partner and I had been brainstorming ideas for projects for a few weeks, but we eventually realized that it should not  be up to us where our money went. We instead listened to the Moklen people whom we had been building relationships with over the past few weeks. That is how we discovered that the Moklen tribe hasda community fund with which the community saves money for communal needs.

Were there any particular factors that contributed to successfully implementing your Social Action Plan?

Working with a friend was extremely helpful, otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to reach out to so many people. Getting my friends and family involved and informing them about the Moklen community helped me reach more people as well.

Have there been any challenges and how have you overcome them?

For a while it felt like our campaign was never going to reach its goal, so staying motivated was challenging, but staying in contact with my Thai and Moklen friends via social media helped remind and motivate me to continue to strive for my goal.

Do you have any advice you would give to students to create and implement an effective Social Action Plan?

I would tell them to be open minded and reach for something reasonable. Listen to the needs of others, and don’t just go for the ‘prettiest’ or most creative projects. Be consistent and don’t quit... it won’t feel good, and it looks pretty bad. Keep in mind the awesome people you met on your study abroad trip! 

What are some highlights from your experience with living with the Moklen community?

Learning a new language and experiencing a different culture for the first time! I’ll never forget the food, fishing on Moklen boats, and experiencing Moklen festivals. It really sparked a desire to travel more.

What does global citizenship mean to you?

To me, being a global citizen means stepping outside of my box and choosing to be uncomfortable in order to learn about others, and to share my culture with those who are interested. Although the experience was really fun, it also helped me better understand my privilege, which is important for everyone to experience. 

How did your view of international development change after working with local communities?

My experience in Thailand really opened my eyes to the harm and destruction of international development. Before going to Thailand, I had some idea of what was going on, but seeing it up close and personal gave me a whole new level of understanding. Not only was the development extremely destructive ecologically, but the social impact on communities were even worse. It reminded me a lot of how Native Americans must have been treated. Land is being stolen, culture is being lost, and capitalism is considered a bigger priority than a lot of lives. I will forever work on being mindful and considerate of where and how I travel, and I have set goals to travel as a method to learn for myself from others, and not to hurt those around me. 

Do you have any plans to utilize what you learned creating a Social Action Plan for future projects?

I am about to graduate with my degree in environmental policy. I think that my first few years out of college will consist of working or volunteering with non-profits such as Green Peace or the Sierra Club. The non-profit (especially environmental) field is very dependent on fundraising and sharing information. I plan on taking the skills I’ve gained in fundraising for the Moklen, and hopefully utilize them after graduation in my efforts to combat climate issues. 

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