Your contributions will go toward empowering local communities and students to take action toward a better future. In the era of Covid-19, they also give us the flexibility to quickly support our community partners.
You can make a one time donation, or join our Circle by becoming a monthly contributor. As a small organization with limited resources, our Circle allows us to focus our energy on our work and supporting the efforts of our community partners around the world. Our recent project for emergency food relief in Nepal wouldn't have been possible without the seed funding provided by monthly donors, and we appreciate their continual support!
If you would like to make a non-financial contribution to our work, contact us! Your time, energy and passion are central to creating a foundation for a better future.
Make A One-Time Donation

How Past Contributions Have Made A Difference?
$5 - Provide 10 meals in Nepal for Emergency Food Relief
$10 - Conduct a community interview to learn about local strengths based on the principles of asset-based community development
$30 - Fund a scholarship for a Vietnamese student to participate in InPlace coursework for 1 day
$50 - Round trip transportation to Bangkok from Southern Thailand to advocate for indigenous land rights through IMPECT & the Moklen Land Rights Protection Fund
$100 - Hire peer educator for the day to facilitate community-based education program to support initiatives for more equitable and sustainable development
InPlace is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our goal is to make sure projects are implemented effectively in a manner that is in alignment with our mission. As such, we reserve the right to redistribute funds and use donations in a way that we see fit. If you have questions about our policy or how your donation will be used, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you!!
Join our Circle